There is a chance that the blog will no longer be an accurate representation of our current roommate situation. If this is the case, the novelty of it will be awash and thus this blog will cease to exist. More to come as more information is relayed to me, as I seem to be in the dark on the "discussion".
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Today, Zatch, Nicki, and I went to the "Exotic Feline Rescue Center" about an hour away from us. It was a fun drive and when we first got there, there was a collective groan of disgust because the parking lot was so muddy and there was a putrid odor lingering in the air. Mainly, the disgust was because we were all wearing nice(r) shoes, a silly thing to do when thinking of this in hindsight.
Also part of the tour, and an important aspect of our education, were the back stories of some of the resident felines. Horrid tales of abuse and neglect from people who thought owning a pet tiger, lion, or cougar was like having a car. Many of the felines come to the Rescue Center malnourished and abused. Some are even victims to botched surgeries such as declawing. A cougar named Autumn was one of these victims and it was evident in the way she walked around the paddock, favoring each step ever so slightly. She still maintained her grace, but it was easy to tell that what her owner did had detrimental, lasting effect. There was another declawing that was done by the owner, a person (scum) who had no idea what he was doing and he caused irreparable damage. The lioness Kisa was malnourished because her owner thought it was suitable to feed her cat food as a cub instead of milk, permanently distorting her sense of balance and ability to travel as easily as the others.
These, folks, are what heroes look like.
(sorry, no pictures)
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Roomate Profile: Chico
Ricky Thomas Rodriguez is my real name whereas Chico is the nickname bestowed upon me by the roommates. It's a little ironic considering chico means boy because I am the oldest one of the group... almost 11 years, to be exact, and I dig the men. I have a gutter mind and it does not take much for me to make something "gay". Sometimes, I worry if my dirty mind and mouth could be trouble but the truth is that I am just a crazy bitch and the perverted banter is just part of that equation: take it or leave it, it really has little effect over me.
Zatch and I have a thing in common and that is our love for horror movies, although I am admittedly more of a movie snob than he is. I prefer originals to remakes and found the "Nightmare on Elm Street" reboot to be a huge pile of doo-doo. Still, it is rare for me to turn away the chance to see a horror flick, remake or not. I enjoy the thrill attached to them.
I love all kinds of music but I lean mostly towards electronica. Techno is only a facet of that style of music and in all honestly, it is not my favorite branch of the electronica tree. I like it rough with pulsating beats and powerful lyrics, if need be. I love pop music as well and I tend to avoid country, though I do have some Cd's, mainly because the country music scene is known to be quite homophobic. See, it does have something in common with the hip Hop scene. Not that the music industry in itself isn't 'bad', it is known to be quite on the side of keeping acts in the closet to prevent dampening of record sales. The whole entertainment arena is actually like this, to varying degrees.
I am an aspiring novelist though my primary focus now is short stories and the occasional foray into poetry. As you may imagine, horror is my focus, and some of it will have an admitted queer twist. Write what you know, right?
Ah. As I write this, Ricky Martin is serenading me in the background. What a silky voice he has. Anyway, this is just a brief introduction to who I am. CHICO!!! That's me!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
We're supposed to get hit by a whopper of a winter storm. The advisory indicated that ice would over-take the roads, that the rain would quickly become snow, and that there would most certainly be wind that has the strength to topple trees and pose a great threat to electrical wires. Yet, it has not hit us that hard yet. Indianapolis has been slammed, yet we have mild icy conditions. It can't be that bad because Ivy Tech and IU have yet to cancel the school day. Of course, IU doesn't do snow days anyway and Ivy Tech gives them for 1 inch of snow... so, yea... do with that what you will. Zatch and I went to Kroger last night to get some things and the store appeared to have been ransacked! The water aisle was nearly naked and the canned goods aisle looked to have taken quite a beating. When the storm comes, it is best to be prepared for the whole month, it seems. Not that there is anything wrong with being prepared, I just find it a little amusing how frantic people get over a winter storm here, especially when Bloomington rarely gets hit by hard shit. Sometimes, yes. Yet, when the weather people are like "OMG! The world is going to end with tonight's blizzard!" they usually mean everywhere else in Indiana except for Bloomington! Northern Indian get 15 inches and we get... rain. That said, yes, we did get 'iced' overnight. No, not "iced" in the way that nearly caused Nighthawk! a heart attack... actual ice. Of course, it appears to be melting as I type this, which could be bad when the temperature decides to drop, which it is supposed to do. No snow yet, though. I'm sure there are many who are sick of the snow but I'm of the school of thought that if it's going to be this cold, there may as well be snow with it to make it all worth it.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
The Weeks Ahead
Everything feels a little unreal. A little stressful. Almost like I'm in a dream I know I should be waking up from at any moment. Things are a little rocky right now and I know that they would be. But I know in the coming weeks it will all work out. I'll just be patient. Have fun. And remember that I have people who have my back.
- Zatch
- Zatch
Friday, January 28, 2011
I think I almost Killed NIghthawk Last Night
Well that was the plan all along right? Not really. Apparently, we need to be more careful on how we mix our alcoholic beverages. Lesson learned. And as I'm ready for round 2 tonight, hopefully we can avoid a repeat. I'm kinda ready to just let loose and forget about this week and that it ever happened. More negatives than positives for sure. But as I keep my head held high, I look forward to the rest of the weekend. Now who's ready to drink?
- Zatch
- Zatch
"I'll Take Door Number..."
Chico here! Ah, yes, that ever circulating conundrum of making a choice. Today (actually yesterday, but I didn't feel up to going) starts Bloomington's annual gay pride film festival, which I've missed every single year since I've moved here. This year, I bought tickets (and momentarily lost them during my move) and I've vowed to go and take most of it in (Nighthawk! would add a "that's what she said" here) yet the new digs are eagerly awaiting a christening party. This place needs to broke in something proper, y'all! Thus, since I'm being a stick in the mud and insisting on doing my "gay" thing for the entirety of this weekend, the party has been shifted to next weekend WHEN I have two massive papers that are due that following Monday! Not to worry: the festivities will commence as planned and I am planning on getting toasty (drunk could be bad. I get loud when I'm drunk. and touchy. and apparently touchy-feely and sentimental). So, actually, no choice was really made was it. It was all decided well before I wrote out this post: go figure. I've misled you. I'm a bitch like that. I wear that label with a trace amount of pride. Speaking of pride... I got to go get ready for it. I'm thinking of doing something wild to my hair... shit!!! Another dilema! <le sigh>
Thursday, January 27, 2011
1 Shy of a Ménage
Chico here! Zatch and I are officially moved into our new home base! It is stylishly decorated and we are almost ready for our first official part-ay! Hey! Our refrigerator is even stocked with food (and booze, of course)!! The only thing missing? Oh what could it be? Our would-be-third roommate: Nighthawk!
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