I love all kinds of music but I lean mostly towards electronica. Techno is only a facet of that style of music and in all honestly, it is not my favorite branch of the electronica tree. I like it rough with pulsating beats and powerful lyrics, if need be. I love pop music as well and I tend to avoid country, though I do have some Cd's, mainly because the country music scene is known to be quite homophobic. See, it does have something in common with the hip Hop scene. Not that the music industry in itself isn't 'bad', it is known to be quite on the side of keeping acts in the closet to prevent dampening of record sales. The whole entertainment arena is actually like this, to varying degrees.
I am an aspiring novelist though my primary focus now is short stories and the occasional foray into poetry. As you may imagine, horror is my focus, and some of it will have an admitted queer twist. Write what you know, right?
Ah. As I write this, Ricky Martin is serenading me in the background. What a silky voice he has. Anyway, this is just a brief introduction to who I am. CHICO!!! That's me!