Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We're supposed to get hit by a whopper of a winter storm. The advisory indicated that ice would over-take the roads, that the rain would quickly become snow, and that there would most certainly be wind that has the strength to topple trees and pose a great threat to electrical wires. Yet, it has not hit us that hard yet. Indianapolis has been slammed, yet we have mild icy conditions. It can't be that bad because Ivy Tech and IU have yet to cancel the school day. Of course, IU doesn't do snow days anyway and Ivy Tech gives them for 1 inch of snow... so, yea... do with that what you will. Zatch and I went to Kroger last night to get some things and the store appeared to have been ransacked! The water aisle was nearly naked and the canned goods aisle looked to have taken quite a beating. When the storm comes, it is best to be prepared for the whole month, it seems. Not that there is anything wrong with being prepared, I just find it a little amusing how frantic people get over a winter storm here, especially when Bloomington rarely gets hit by hard shit. Sometimes, yes. Yet, when the weather people are like "OMG! The world is going to end with tonight's blizzard!" they usually mean everywhere else in Indiana except for Bloomington! Northern Indian get 15 inches and we get... rain. That said, yes, we did get 'iced' overnight. No, not "iced" in the way that nearly caused Nighthawk! a heart attack... actual ice. Of course, it appears to be melting as I type this, which could be bad when the temperature decides to drop, which it is supposed to do. No snow yet, though. I'm sure there are many who are sick of the snow but I'm of the school of thought that if it's going to be this cold, there may as well be snow with it to make it all worth it.


  1. We're getting hit with this too. all in the form of snow. It's going to be bad enough that they are considering shutting down the naval base because of the amount of snow. The weather people also said something about 25 foot waves from the lake. My thoughts: I have chocolate; bring it on.

  2. OOOO!!! Chocolate makes everything better! :) I wanna go get some hot chocolate now!
